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International level
- Decree No. 2016/367 of 3 August 2016 laying down the rules of origin and methods of administrative cooperation in EU goods under the agreement a step towards Economic Partnership Agreement
- Decree No. 2016/210 of 25 April 2016 ratifying the Agreement on Trade Facilitation, signed December 7, 2013 in Bali (Indonesia) at the 9th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO);
- Law n ° 2014/014 of 18 July 2014 authorizing the President of the Republic to ratify the stepping to an Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, on the one hand and the Central Africa Party, on the other hand ;
- Law n ° 2014/012 of 18 July 2014 authorizing the President of the Republic to ratify the Agreement between the Republic of Niger and the Republic of Cameroon, signed on 30 October 2013, concerning the transit through the territory of the Republic of Cameroon, hydrocarbons from the Republic of Niger and their evacuation through the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline;
- Decree No. 2014/241 of July 2, 2014 on the accession of the Republic of Cameroon to the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (Kyoto Convention), revised June 26, 1999 in Brussels ;
- Etc.
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