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Objectives :

  • Enable participants to master the bank account regimes of non-residents in CAEMC in the aftermath of the recent reform of exchange rate regulations;
  • Enable them to understand the techniques for the creation, management and efficient use of non-resident accounts;
  • Train them in the preventive and curative management of foreign exchange and banking risks related to the use of non-resident accounts in XAF and foreign currencies;
  • Train them in the procedures for contesting and managing controls and disputes relating to non-resident accounts;
  • Etc.

Excerpt from program :

  • Legal framework for non-resident accounts in CAEMC ;
  • Techniques for the creation, management and efficient use of non-resident accounts;
  • Techniques for optimizing and securing the use of non-resident accounts;
  • Preventive and curative management of disputes and risks related to non-resident accounts;
  • Etc.

Target person :

Company managers, executives and transit agents, executives of banks and financial institutions, legal and litigation departments of companies, importers and exporters, forwarders, internal auditors and controllers, lawyers, attorneys at law, etc.

Place :


Date :

08th, 09th and 10th December 2021

Number of days :

3 Days

Price :

500.000 FCFA HT

Method :

Interactive Practical Training, Slides, Video Training, Case Studies, Workshops, Evaluation, Seminar Support.
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