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National level
- Circular No. 004 / MINFI / DGD of January 4, 2018 specifying the terms of application of some provisions of Law No. 2017/021 of December 20, 2017 on the Finance Law of the Republic of Cameroon for the financial year 2018
- Circular No. 001 / C / MINFI of January 2nd, 2018 bearing Instructions for the Execution of the Finance Laws, the Follow-up and Control of the Execution of the Budget of the State, Enterprises and Public Institutions, Communities Decentralized Territories and Other Subsidized Organizations, for the 2018 Financial Year
- Law No.2017/021 of 20 December 2017 relating to the Finance Law of the Republic of Cameroon for the 2018 Financial Year
- Decree N ° 2017/6523 / PM of June 07, 2017 setting the terms of application of the law N ° 2016/004 of April 18, 2016 governing foreign trade in Cameroon;
- Bilateral EPAs Cameroon / European Union (Second dismantling phase) list of products and rates applicable: 08.04.2017 to 08.03.2018;
- Law No. 2017/015 of 12 July 2017 amending and supplementing some provisions of Law No. 2013/004 of 18 April 2013 setting incentives for private investment in the Republic of Cameroon
- SERVICE NOTE N ° 357 / MINFI / DGD of 06 DEC 2016 Modifying the Service Note n ° 353 / MINFI / DGD of 05 December 2016 Setting the scanning procedure of import containers at the Port of Douala
- SERVICE NOTE No. 353 / MINFI / DGD of 05 DEC 2016 Setting the scanning procedure of import containers at the Port of Douala
- SERVICE NOTE No. 351 / MINFI / DGD DU 05 December 2016 Bearing in mind the rules to be followed after the seizure of prohibited goods
- DECISION N ° 069749 OF 30 NOVEMBER 2016 integrating the container scanner in the procedures of customs clearance at the port of Douala
- Ordinance N ° 16/000533 / CF / MINFI / DGD of 02 SEPTEMBER 2016 Consultation of FOB export log values for the second half of 2016
- Ministerial Instruction No. 008621-CAB-MINFI of 29 August 2016 on a simplified procedure for the transshipment of goods
- SERVICE NOTE N° 147 / MINFI / DGD / DGD7 OF 08 JULY 2016 Completing the provisions of the Service Note N ° 019 / MINFI / DGD of 10 February 2012 Implementing the automated direct removal procedure and establishing the IM9 model declaration
- SERVICE NOTE N° 146 / MINFI / DGD / DGD7 OF 08 JULY 2016 Bearing in mind the conditions for the modification of the declarations in detail in the customs offices
- SERVICE NOTE N° 140/MINEFI/DGD OF 07 JULY 2016 Harmonizing the Codification of Customs Offenses
- SERVICE NOTE N° 143 / MINFI / DGD OF 06 JULY 2016 Bearing in mind the conditions of clearance of goods at the air, sea and land borders
- Decree N ° 2016/267 of 29 June 2016 reorganizing the Autonomous Port of Kribi
- Circular n°. 1721 /DG/CNCC of 22 June 2016 on billing of packed export container weighing services ;
- SERVICE NOTE N° 147 / MINFI / DGD / DGD7 OF 08 JUNE 2016 Completing the provisions of the service note N ° 019 / MINFI / DGD of 10 February 2012 implementing the automated direct removal procedure and establishing the IM9 model declaration
- Law No. 2016/004 of 18 April 2016 governing foreign trade in Cameroon;
- SERVICE NOTE N° 087 / MINFI / DGD OF 04 APRIL 2016 Modifying and supplementing the provisions of the Service Note N ° 163 / MINFI / DGD of 17 July 2013 Setting the terms and conditions for the handling and tracking under NEXUS + of the goods in transit in rail-road mode
- JOINT SERVICE NOTE N ° 083 / MINFI / DGD / OF 30 MARCH 2016, Bearing harmonized procedure for conducting checks on goods with scanner integration in Freight Zone of the Douala International Airport;
- SERVICE NOTE N ° 072 / MINFI / DGD, OF MARCH 16, 2016 Setting the conditions of deliverance of the Effective Export Certificate (EEA);
- JOINT CIRCULAR N ° 00000369 / MINFI / MINCOMMERCE of 8 September 2015 on the Classification of some alcoholic beverages subject to specific excise duties;
- Decree No. 2015/1875 / PM of 1 July 2015 laying down the implementation modalities of the conformity assessment program before shipment of the goods imported into the Republic of Cameroon;
- Joint Ordinance N ° 00000017 / MINFI / MINCOMMERCE OF 12 FEB 2015 Setting the terms and conditions for the implementation of excise duties on alcoholic beverages;
- Ordinance No. 2014/001 of 7 July 2014 on the reduction of the special tax on petroleum products (STPP) and certain fees charged by carriers of persons and goods;
- SERVICE NOTE No. 231 / MINFI / DGD Organizing the Mission Support Cost Allocation System carried out by DGD officers
- SERVICE NO. 00000072 / DD Depositing the declaration in Customs
- SERVICE NOTE No. 012 / MINFI / DGD / SDLT1 Amendment to Service Note No. 08 / MINFI / DGD / SDLT1 of 04 March 2010 on the reminder of the provisions for the filing of the customs declaration
- SERVICE NOTE No. 08 / MINFI / DGD / SDLT1 Bearing in mind the provisions relating to the filing of the Customs declaration
- SERVICE NOTE Introducing an exceptional facilitation of customs clearance procedures for imported cargoes in the framework of the construction of infrastructures related to the African Cups of Nations (CAN) 2016 & 2019 and the Triennial Emergency Plan (PLANUT)
- ACT No. 47/70-CD-850 On regulations of reimbursement of Duties and Taxes
- CIRCULAR Specifying the terms of application of the provisions of Article 142 (8) new of the General Tax Code amended and supplemented by Ordinance No. 2015/002 of 02 June 2015 of the President of the Republic
- Decree No. 2013/298 of September 9, 2013 on the establishment, organization and functioning of the effectiveness of investment Control Committee;
- Decree No. 2013/299 of September 9, 2013 on the establishment, organization and functioning of the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Stability incentives for private investment in Cameroon;
- Decree No. / 296 of September 9, 2013 amending and supplementing certain provisions of Decree No. 2005/310 of 1 September 2005 on the organization and operation of the Investment Promotion Agency;
- Decree No. 2013/297 of September 9, 2013 amending and supplementing certain provisions of Decree n ° 2013/092 of 3 April 2013 on the organization and operation of the Promotion Agency of Small and Medium Enterprises;
- Order No. 0339 / MINFI / DGI / DGD of 24 October 2013 specifying the implementation modalities of the tax benefits and customs of Law No. 2013/004 of 18 April 2013 laying down the incentives for private investment in the Republic of Cameroon ;
- Law n ° 2013/004 of 18 April 2013 laying down the incentives for private investment in the Republic of Cameroon;
- Law No. 2012/006 of 19 April 2012 on gas Code in Cameroon;
- SERVICE NOTE N ° 207 / MINEFI / DGD OF 24 AUGUST 2006 Setting the terms of use of tax credits
- Service Note No. 096/MINEFI/DD of 11 April 2005, on the regime of taxation of imports of third- party goods coming from a CEMAC State
- Etc.
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