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Customs Software Optimization Assistance
The Zoll & Legal Customs Software Optimization Business Unit (ZL SOBU) is our branch of services which assists our clients in the external acquisition of software and informatics solutions.
Thus, the Zoll & Legal Cabinet offers to you adequate expertise in the optimization and securization of your procurement operations and / or the sale of informatics and software solutions.
In this line of service, we assist you in the :
- Procurement and the development of your informatics solutions (the exploitation systems, software package, software, etc.);
- Assistance in the writing of your relative contracts as well as their revisions and amendments;
- Assistance in the optimization and the securization of maintenance operations, assistances and software updates;
- Assistance in the efficient management of contracts transmitted by your software and informatics solutions editors or suppliers
- Compliance audit of your informatics solutions acquisitions to the customs and foreign exchange regulations;
- Facilitation of customs and foreign exchanges procurement of software from external suppliers
- Training of purchasing enterprises personnel, and exporters of software and informatics solutions;
As concerns trainings, the ZL SOBU proposes to you practical trainings permitting you to manage in a preventive and curative manner risks linked to the procurement of informatics solutions from suppliers situated out or in the customs territory.
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