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Objectives :

  • Enable participants to understand the legal, fiscal and foreign exchange regime of the Cryptomoney (Bitcoin) in Cameroon and CAEMC;
  • Help them master the essential techniques and procedures for the efficient management of transactions related to the Cryptomoney or Bitcoin;
  • Provide them with the tools to detect and avoid the offenses  due to the violations of exchange regulations and credit and financial regulations;
  • Give them the tools to effectively manage disputes and sanctions related to the use of Bitcoin, cryptomoney or cryptocurrencies;
  • Etc.

Excerpt from program :

  • Regime of Cryptomoney, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Cybercurrency in Cameroon and CAEMC ;
  • Techniques and procedures for the efficient management of transactions related to cryptomoney;
  • Techniques to avoid banking and exchange risks related to Bitcoin;
  • Means of optimizing and securing your activities in case of use of cryptomoney;
  • Techniques for preventive and curative management of disputes and sanctions related to the cryptomoney.

Target person :

Company directors, managers and executives of credit institutions, financial institutions and insurance companies, executives of legal and litigation departments of companies, importers and exporters, foreign financial relations departments, etc.

Place :


Date :

14th, 15th and 16th July 2021

Number of days :

3 Days

Price :

700.000 FCFA HT

Method :

Interactive Practical Training, Slides, Video Training, Case Studies, Workshops, Evaluation, Seminar Support.
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