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Objectives :
Train participants in the management of the customs administrative sanctions regime recently instituted, with regard to the relevant provisions of the customs regulations in force in CAEMC;
Help them to understand the main flaws in the system of these sanctions in Cameroon and CAEMC;
Transmit to them the techniques for avoiding the said sanctions;
Train them in the techniques of preventive and curative management of customs administrative sanctions;
Provide participants with tools to detect the strengths and weaknesses of the instruments used to establish these sanctions;
Train them to challenge and exercise remedies against customs administrative sanctions;
Excerpt from program :
- Typology of customs administrative sanctions ;
- Regimes and scope of customs administrative sanctions;
- Legal Strengths and Weaknesses of Customs Administrative Penalties;
- Seizure from third party customs holders ;
- The affixing of customs seals;
- Tools for Avoiding Customs Administrative Sanctions ;
- Techniques for contesting the instruments of customs administrative sanctions;
- Etc.
Target person :
Company managers, executives and transit agents, executives of banks and financial institutions, legal and litigation departments of companies, importers and exporters, authorized customs agents, auditors and internal controllers, warehousemen, etc.
Place : |
Date : |
03th, 04th and 05th February 2021 |
Number of days : |
3 Days |
Price : |
500.000 FCFA HT |
Method : |
Interactive hands-on training, Slides, Video training, Case studies, Workshops, Evaluation, Seminar support. |
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