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Objectives :

  • Train participants to master the techniques of negotiation and drafting of customs transactional acts;
  • To help them understand the new legal requirements, techniques, methods, precautions and remedies in force since the new Customs Code of March 2019;
  • To train participants in the techniques of recourse against incidents after the conclusion of transactional acts;
  • Provide them with the tools to avoid the breakdown of cooperation and partnership with the customs administration;
  • Highlight the limits of each other’s prerogatives and the liability regime in case of irregularity in the conclusion of the customs transaction.
  • Train them in techniques for the preventive and curative management of the risks involved in the execution of customs transactions;
  • etc.

Excerpt from program :

  • The new legal, technical and procedural requirements of the customs transaction;
  • Techniques for optimizing and securing the customs transaction;
  • Means of contradiction of concluded customs transactions;
  • Techniques of recourse against incidents after the conclusion of transactional acts;
  • Liability regimes in case of irregularity in the conclusion of the customs transaction;
  • Techniques of preventive and curative management of the risks of customs transactions execution;
  • Tools to avoid customs administrative sanctions after customs transactions;
  • Etc.

Target person :

Company managers, executives and agents of banks, financial institutions and foreign exchange companies, executives of legal and litigation departments of companies, importers and exporters, authorized customs agents, auditors, internal controllers, etc.

Place :


Date :

10th, 11th and 12th November 2021

Number of days :

3 Days

Price :

500.000 FCFA HT

Method :

Interactive Practical Training, Slides, Video Training, Case Studies, Workshops, Evaluation, Seminar Support.
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