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Objectives :

  • Train participants in improvement techniques of Sourcing and strengthening the relationship with suppliers in a competitive context ;
  • Training in the use of MRS techniques allowing to optimize the procurement process and quality of service ;
  • Strengthen your skills to enable you to manage your suppliers methodically and, if possible, with dedicated tools to improve your reactivity, your decision making, and your earnings;
  • Train you or reinforce and update your knowledge in terms of securing the relationship with your suppliers ;
  • Enable you to control the means of implementation place of supplier performance indicators ;
  • Enable you to improve communication with your different suppliers, to share a methodology, business terms and information with them and to have a better knowledge of each one of them them in order to optimize the procurement process;
  • Provide you with practical tools for efficient anticipation and management of difficulties and risks related to the SRM ;
  • Etc.

Excerpt from program :

  • Generalities about SRM: definition, issues, advantages and constraints ;
  • Improvement processes and decisions of the supply mechanism ;
  • SRM methods and application process of the SRM method in your company ;
  • SRM tools and negotiation techniques in normal period and in period of conflict ;
  • Specific documentation of purchasing and risk mapping and measures of the supplier’s performance ;
  • Limits of customer supplier transparency and essential points to secure your relations with suppliers (sourcing, technology watch, stimulation
    competitive, etc.) ;
  • Techniques for systematizing monitoring the quality delivered by suppliers;
  • Etc..

Target person :

business managers, executives and officers of corporate procurement services, importers and exporters, transit and corporate communications services, etc…

Place :


Date :

12th, 13th and 14th May 2021

Number of days :

3 Days

Price :

600.000 FCFA OT

Method :

Practical training, interactive, Slides, Videotraining, Case studies, Workshops, Evaluation, Support seminar.
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