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Objectives :

  • Enable participants to understand the customs innovations resulting from the new CAEMC Customs Code;
  • Help them master the new rules and techniques useful to their activities;
  • Train them on techniques to optimize and secure their customs operations in the new regulatory context imposed by the Customs Code of March 2019;
  • Helping them to master the new customs risks to be avoided as well as the avoidance techniques they call preventually and a posteriori;
  • Etc.

Excerpt from program :

  • The customs innovations of the CAEMC customs code ;
  • Rules and techniques useful for customs activities;
  • Techniques for optimizing and securing customs operations in the new regulatory context imposed by the March 2019 Code;
  • The new customs risks to be avoided in your sector of activity and the avoidance techniques that they call preventive and a posteriori;
  • Directory of best practices which can help in the implementation of the relevant provisions of the new customs code;
  • Etc.

Target person :

Business managers, managers and agents of transit and corporate procurement services, managers of corporate legal and litigation services, consultants, importers and exporters, corporate tax services.

Place :


Date :

24th, 25th and 26th March 2021

Number of days :

3 Days

Price :

600.000 FCFA HT

Method :

Interactive hands-on training, Slides, Video training, Case studies, Workshops, Evaluation, Seminar support.
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