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Objectives :

  • Enable participants to master the mechanics and customs implications of the status of Authorized Economic Operator in Cameroon and CAEMC;
  • Give them the tools to take full advantage of the advantages and customs prerogatives of the AEO status;
  • Train them in the techniques of optimisation and securisation of the use of this status with regard to the specificities of their companies and sectors of activities;
  • Provide them with the tools to help them manage the risks and litigations linked to this status in the current context;
  • Etc.

Excerpt from program :

  • Rules and procedures for obtaining and making effective use of the O.E.A. status;
  • Tools for the optimal benefit of the advantages and customs prerogatives of the OAS status;
  • Techniques for optimizing and securing the use of the O.E.A. status with regard to the specificities of your company and your sector of activity;
  • Tools to help you manage the risks and customs disputes linked to the O.E.A. status in the current context;
  • Etc.

Target person :

Company managers, executives and managers of transit services, purchasing/import managers, service providers working in the field of international trade, company lawyers, importers, exporters, authorized customs agents.

Place :


Date :

08th, 09th and 10th September 2021

Number of days :

3 Days

Price :

500.000 FCFA HT

Method :

Interactive Practical Training, Slides, Video Training, Case Studies, Workshops, Evaluation, Seminar Support.
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